
ET-Asia Intensive Bootcamp: Infrastructure & Construction Law

ET-Asia Intensive Bootcamp:
Infrastructure & Construction Law

Direkomendasikan untuk Fresh Graduate, In-House Counsel, Corporate Lawyer, Legal Office

Apa itu ET-Asia Intensive Bootcamp: Infrastructure & Construction Law?

Hukum Konstruksi dan Infrastruktur di Indonesia adalah bidang khusus yang melibatkan pemahaman tentang kerangka hukum, regulasi, dan praktik yang mengatur pengembangan proyek infrastruktur publik dan swasta. Oleh karena itu, ET-Asia menghadirkan ET-Asia Intensive Bootcamp: Infrastructure & Construction Law yang dirancang untuk memberikan pengetahuan menyeluruh bagi praktisi hukum tentang hukum-hukum Indonesia terkait konstruksi dan infrastruktur, dengan fokus khusus pada Kemitraan Pemerintah-Swasta (PPP), Kerja Sama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha (KPBU), serta jaminan pemerintah untuk proyek infrastruktur. Peserta akan memperoleh pemahaman tentang prinsip-prinsip hukum utama, manajemen kontrak, penyelesaian sengketa, dan kepatuhan regulasi dalam konteks proyek konstruksi dan infrastruktur di Indonesia.

Kenapa Harus Ikut Program ini?

Kenapa Belajar di ET-Asia?

Fase Pelatihan

Kurikulum Pelatihan

Introduction to Construction & Infrastructure Law

  • Overview of the construction and infrastructure industry in Indonesia
  • Legal framework and sources of law for construction projects
  • Understanding the roles and responsibilities of legal practitioners in this field
  • Key challenges and unique aspects of construction law in the Indonesian context

Regulation of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP)

  • Introduction to PPP and its significance in infrastructure development
  • Legal and regulatory framework for PPP projects in Indonesia
  • Key stakeholders and their roles in PPP projects
  • Analyzing PPP contract structures and risk allocation

Legal Aspects of Government Cooperation (KPBU) Projects

  • Understanding the concept and scope of KPBU projects
  • Legal framework and procedures for implementing KPBU projects in Indonesia
  • Assessing risk-sharing and revenue-sharing arrangements in KPBU projects
  • General overview when drafting, negotiating, and reviewing KPBU agreements

Government Guarantees for Infrastructure Projects

  • Overview of government guarantees for infrastructure projects in Indonesia
  • Types of government guarantees and their implications
  • Analyzing the conditions and procedures for obtaining government guarantees
  • Mitigating risks related to government guarantees

Infrastructure Development and Land Acquisition

  • Legal considerations in acquiring land for infrastructure projects
  • Overview of land acquisition laws and procedures in Indonesia
  • Handling disputes and compensation in land acquisition cases
  • Addressing environmental and social issues in infrastructure development

Contractual Aspects in Construction Projects

  • Types of construction contracts used in Indonesia
  • Key contractual provisions and risk allocation
  • Managing variations, change orders, and extensions of time
  • Performance guarantees and bonds in construction projects

Dispute Resolution in Construction Projects

  • Common types of construction disputes in Indonesia
  • Analyzing the causes of disputes in construction projects
  • Contractual mechanisms and statutory provisions for dispute resolution
  • Strategies for avoiding and resolving construction disputes in Indonesia

Infrastructure Financing and Funding

  • Legal aspects of infrastructure project financing in Indonesia
  • Understanding financing agreements and security arrangements
  • Public and private funding options for infrastructure projects
  • Managing legal risks in infrastructure financing

Regulatory Compliance in Construction and Infrastructure Projects

  • Overview of relevant regulations and permits for construction projects
  • Compliance with safety, building codes, and environmental regulations
  • Navigating licensing and approval requirements in Indonesia

Future Trends and Emerging Challenges in Construction & Infrastructure Law

  • Exploration of current trends and future developments in the construction industry in Indonesia
  • Impact of technological advancements on construction and infrastructure law
  • Strategies for legal practitioners to stay updated and adapt to the evolving landscape

Para Pengajar

Daftar Sekarang!


Biaya Investasi

Biaya investasi untuk ET-Asia Intensive Bootcamp: Infrastructure & Construction Law


untuk Full-Session
Rp 990,000
  • Mendapatkan seluruh soft-copy materi belajar
  • Mendapatkan akses rekaman belajar selama 30 hari
  • Mendapatkan e-sertifikat


untuk per-Session
Rp 150,000
  • Mendapatkan soft-copy materi belajar sesuai sesi yang dipilih
  • Mendapatkan akses rekaman belajar selama 30 hari sesuai sesi yang dipilih
  • Mendapatkan e-sertifikat sesuai sesi yang dipilih